
How many wives Krishna has? Why Krishna has so many wives?

How many wives Krishna has? Why Krishna has so many wives? ANSWER IN DETAIL: Lord Krishna descended to earth during the Dvapara Yuga and ruled over Dwarka as King. His total number of wives was 16,108. Eight of these were Lord Krishna’s major queen-consorts, and 16,100 were rescued from Narakasura, according to the Bhagavata Purana. …

How many wives Krishna has? Why Krishna has so many wives? Read More »

Who is Lord Krishna?

Who is Lord Krishna? Lord Krishna the supreme personality of Godhead has many forms and names. As the name “Krishna” the Sanskrit word means “the all-attractive one”- indicates the Supreme Person’s unparallel charm and beauty as he appears to most of his devotees. ANSWER IN DETAIL: Other names describe qualities He manifests in other forms, …

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