God is present in every cell and atom, yet we feel his presence predominantly in temple. Sri Narasimha Giridhari Mandir is famous all over the world for our charming deities. The divine presence of the Lordships is a big blessing for the entire Bangalore community

Our Mission

The term “Hare Krishna”, or The Hare Krishna Movement™ Organization, formally The International Society for Krishna Consciousness (ISKCON), is the orthodox core of Hinduism. It was registered in the West (in New York) in July 1966, but dates back over 5000 years. Lord Chaitanya Mahaprabhu (1486-1532) popularized the movement all over India. Hinduism is the world’s third largest religion with over 900 million adherents, second to Christianity and Islam (according to various leading encyclopedias, websites and almanacs). The principal scriptures are The Bhagavad-gita (The Song of God), and the Shrimad Bhagavatam (the story of the Personality of Godhead Shri Krishna Bhagavan). Krishnas believe in one God.

“Love Nature has an amazing team of hard working professionals. It has been a pleasure to meet them.”

Emily Davis